Law of Attraction

Law of Attraction

By Rom Antony Day

Tuesday, September 08, 2009

The law of attraction put plainly refers to the proposition that we attract often what we think about; it refers to the thought that we often attract people that are like us, too. And as such the law if it has any validity suggests that it we intend to change any of the results in those areas we may benefit from a look at our individual thought. More on this may be found in the book the law of success by diseased American attorney and author Napoleon Hill.

In other words, God gave us control over our individual thought and as such we might as well take a look at our own thought patterns and change it or modify it especially if we have thoughts which we do not want to become reality. This relates to the article You can work your own miracles. In other words think about the goal to stay fit at 175 lbs instead of saying to yourself that you are too this or too that. Plainly put if you do control your own actions, you could expand into controlling your and managing your thought specially those that are damaging to you and run in your head frequently but you do not even notice it often.

For example state to your self I reject laziness; I reject tardiness; I attract wealth; I attract prosperity; I work hard; I rise early; I pay my bills promptly and so on and so forth.

We shall add more information about this with reference sources.


Rom Antony Day