Advocating for, or Manipulating Students

Truly Advocating For The Students Or Merely Using Them To Emotionalize The Lay-Offs to Keep A Job

By Rom Antony Day

Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Can you believe the SF City Mayor Gavin Newson and the teachers protesting about the lay-off notices they will receive? They are emotionalizing the issue and making their protest sound as if it is because they are concerned about the kids. When in fact just from the sound of their own talking-points and the content and lack of conviction of what they say it is clear that they are simply afraid of loosing their job(s) and having to get out there and compete for a new job? I 'd venture to say that the employees being laid-off are probably protesting just because as I have mentioned because they do not want to have to job-search again and compete in the market place which may leave them in the dust on the qualifications, education and experience areas with other employers where they will have to produce better and more results.

They protest about disliking the lay-offs like kids being taken their candies away. Yet never have I heard them present one potential solution to the fiscal problem and the lack of satisfactory performance the SFUSD (San Francisco Unified School District) has. They're acting like the victims of the U.S.A. State government. You probably can bet your bottom dollar that many of them will run to file EEOC complaints. And there they will come to the rescue of the non-white, non-Anglo-Saxon and non-disabled unqualified minorities. The qualified one will most likely move on and find another job and probably a better one title and compensation even if they have to take a gap-job (a job t make ends meet outside their teaching field) while they find something they like. It is just upsetting how emotionalized has Mayor Newson made the issue on his TV appearances. What a great politician he is. Isn’t he at least on this issue?