Justly, Fairly, and Self-Interest Compatibility

Reality: Just, Fair and Self-Interest are Compatible

By Rom Antony Day

1st. edition 08/19/2007

The reality of those who live by a rule of or preach unselfishness to others may in fact be just using a smoke screen to get the most they can out of you who falls prey to their “unself-fish” preaching’s and criticisms of the ambitious and high goal-setter, pursuer and achiever. Robert E. Lee gives us a powerful statement that we can use to easily keep this in check while being fair and just.

I will quote his statement to his eldest son as I cannot say it any better than it describes it. As H.W. Crocker III author of Robert E. Lee on Leadership: Executive Lessons in Character, Courage and Vision (Copyright 1999, pp. 43) explains, “Lee’s realism extended to recognizing that the businessmen he dealt with had their own success uppermost in mind --- not his.” This might be the case for must of us. ..

To convey this pearl of wisdom “he wrote his eldest son, Custis Lee, “You must be aware of [know, consciously know and realize] that those you deal with will consider their advantage and not yours.” This is not bad as this is exactly what we want others to consider whenever a product or service is being offered for sale to another individual I might add. Lee continued on his letter “So while being fair and just, you must not neglect your interests.