
"Ask not what your

country can do for you;

[instead ask] what you can do for your [my]

country [the U.S.A.]."

--Ted. Kennedy,

Former Senator of The U.S.A...

Our writer of articles and Officer of R V A

ASSOCIATES, INC., Rom Antony Day, believes

deeply in the meaning

of the above quotation.

On a personal level, he

explained in writing,

in the following

quotation, how he views its meaning, or what it means to him. Mr. Day wrote "I would say that

that is to say ask what one can do for The United States of America especially if

you are a Citizen of

the U.S.A. or at least live here."

"To extrapolate or transfer the same

thought into another

dimension at a family level, I would say "Ask not what your offspring

can do for you; instead ask what you can do for them to make their

present and future

better than if you did not do anything for them?"

"I think that R V A


publications are a

Ferrari of online

publications on attainment principles

for individual(s), and

teams, a Corvette or

a Ford 4-Wheel drive

Suburban Sports

Utility Vehicle.

Although a minority

of people labels the

principles as

satanic, they are not.

The principles are Godly, Judeo, Protestant-

Christian ones in a way because they are

like guiding posts that empower the

individual to set and attain their goals

and dreams in the many spokes of a wheel-of

-life, responsibly.

Additionally, they have information on

guidance to, from Chinese art of strategy,

use the results variables, and principles in a balanced

way to carry strategy out successfully.

They are a Ferrari in that if I had to

attribute characteristics to them, they

are compact, semi-gentle, straight

forward, fast, somehow sporty and smooth,

attractive, integrated and focused.

Furthermore, because they are not perfect,

their serving-up improves gradually; we

work hard to make them with curves and

circles without rough edges, and to make

their review smooth like riding in a

Corvette, Ford Explorer, or Ferrari.

Nevertheless, at times

there are pronounced

or sharp edges and turns in order for a

writer to clear his

or her way to serve up

a point that can overcome a cobweb."

Likewise, a Ferrari has raised edges on the sides to break

through the air faster

and smoothly. This is

over-the-top better than expected; the goal was to pass knowledge

about the principles

on to my offspring

initially. Now, "all-and-sundry" (all people, everybody, everyone, every person) are able

to avail themselves of the information

without regard to where they hail from.

Rom Day,President,


The content of the publications

on this website covers three

general subjects outlined next.

1) Variables for Individuals to attain goals and results.

2) Business Administration.

3) Industrial and Organizational (I/O) Psychology in the United

States of America.

The content on each of the three subjects serves-up a wide spectrum of topics. Furthermore, many of the topics covered include more than one article, report, or executive brief-type of summary.

To illustrate the latter for

subject # 1, a list of topics

within # 1 is shown next.

- Achievement principles. These are results attainment variables that nearly anybody can use in the form of behavior, thought process,

and habit-development. They are helpful in business and in life in general to achieve results towards individual goals in The United States of America (U.S.A.) at the individual's own pace. The content topics on results variables is inclusive of, but not limited to, the ones stated next.

- * Motivators to attain

results are also

content topics within

the major general

subject # 1. Their

content includes, but

is not limited to, the

ones shown next.


*Physiological Needs. they're very basic to human survival. examples are hunger, thirst, and sex.

*Safety Needs ; they are the second most important after physiological needs have been met.

Examples are Desire for dwelling (housing), economic security, money, material gain.

Examples of negative ones are fear of physical or mental harm, fear of old age., or fear of criticism.

Content Reproduction Information

though the articles do not indicate that they are copyrighted, intellectual property law and copy right law in the U.S.A. does acknowledge by default copy rights to the writer of the articles.

It is because of the writer(s)' cultural Anglo-Saxon Judeo Protestant-Christian Patriotic American spirit and in the spirit of the Anglo-Saxon Culture to promote a world-wide Anglo-Saxon tradition of fostering, nurturing and encouraging the use of the English Language and of embracing many races, and types of ethnic diversity within races, and nationalities that the writer allows all-and-sundry (every one) to reproduce the content in the articles / reports / executive summaries / check lists of this website, adopt part of them, and modify to improve their content and readability, and to make them available in alternative accessible format without documented required written prior permission. To that effect,

all reproducers and re-publishers are asked to meet only two requirements in the same spirit as Andrew Carnegie wanted its writing and those he delegated to Napoleon Hill. That is to say, that the content continue to be made available to all individuals inexpensively and in an easy to read writing style that does not require more than a 7th grade education to comprehend it. The second requirement is that all reproducers, publishers, writers, and authors using them include in their articles, reports, websites, books or any other form of reproduction the bibliography citations and references presented in content that is quoted from any of the articles from our writers on this and on any other website. That will validate your writing content without the need to become an author that has to collect and analyze original data with the scientific method; it will also stir you away from treading into plugurism by appropriating and presenting another person's writing as yours, and it will give recognition or acknowledgement to where you took any given content from. In turn, this will help you earn credibility as a writer.

Moreover, our writer(s)' stated bibliography throughout its content does include cited original work from dead writers and authors whose wisdom is as good if not better now as it was when they wrote it. This acknowledgement of them in the content of our writer is more than just to avoid plegurism, but it is congruent with an old American tradition in the U.S.A. to honor and respect the dead who have contributed in one or another way to society. It is a tradition that is even older than the U.S.A. as a republic. It is a tradition that traces back to many years BC. in Greece. It was and it may still be a Greek tradition to honor and respect their dead ancestors and Gods to bring goodness to them. This is not the case in all countries; in fact, in other cultures, the dead is disrespected, and badly spoken of because they are no longer around to defend themselves. That is contrary, to Greek and American traditional customs of selling ideas and contributions and the image of many dead contributors to society because perhaps without them in spite of any flaws, advancement for the better would not have occurred.

Respect the dead and their contributions our writers write about, honor, acknowledge, and defend by continued reference and citation to bibliography about their work in your writer's work where you use their work . It may be that God, in turn, will bless you with more thought and knowledge to add to it, and validate your own author work with the use of the Scientific Method.

*Need for Belonging

For example, desire to associate or socialized with group or individuals to one's affinity. This need is often met by membership in a group, association, or civic. organization, and online social networks.

Equally important is, to balance Belonging Needs and Safety Needs, freedom of mutually consented association, equal freedom to reject new associations, and consented-associations in the past, that is, freedom to disassociate.

* Self-Actualization Need

* Need for Achievement

* Motivators are Needs contents are based on cross-reference and of the Abraham Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs, and key positive and negative motivators that Napoleon Hill wrote on.

- Riches content topics within the major general subject # 1 includes, but is not limited to, the ones shown next.

Economic Security

Access to Guidance

view all here

- Strategy Implementation content topic within the major general subject # 1 includes, but is not limited to, the ones shown next.

To illustrate the latter for subject # 2, a list of topics within # 2 is shown next.

Perspective --Also called, in academia, "Critical Thinking".--

To illustrate the latter

for subject # 3, a list

of topics within # 3 is

shown next. They include

14 reports, articles,

executive summaries, or checklists.